Science-Policy Interface for Scientists: An (Inter)national Perspective
Fri, May 03
|Berner Generationenhaus
This full-day workshop provides an introduction to science for policy for early-career researchers. Participants gain both international and national perspectives on the science-policy interface, learn how to engage with policy-makers and how to communicate their research results effectively.

Time & Location
May 03, 2024, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Berner Generationenhaus, Bahnhofpl. 2, 3011 Bern, Schweiz
About the event
This course is aimed at international researchers in Switzerland and provides them with practical knowledge about both the international and national science-policy interface; so they are not only scientifically competent but also politically savvy – to be able to shape changes and institutions that benefit the entire society. Participants learn in this intensive training to identify the right stakeholders in international politics and institutions, as well as in parliaments and administrations on (sub)national level in Switzerland and understand how they can effectively engage in political affairs. They learn how to contextualize their statements in the political discourse, assess their public impact, and protect themselves from being instrumentalized.
Participants will specifically
● be introduced to science for policy and the role of science and research in multilateral policy;
● understand mechanisms and strategies to work at the science-policy interface;
● learn different ways of policy engagement;
● become familiar with the basics of the Swiss political system;
● understand the distinct roles of researchers in the national policy making process;
● get to know the relevant intermediary actors between research and politics in Switzerland and globally;
● learn to translate their research for political and public discourse.
This course is for researchers on all career levels and from all disciplines.
IMPORTANT: To ensure a balanced group of participants, your application will only be confirmed after all applications have been reviewed.
The workshop is hosted by the Swiss Young Academy (SYA) project “Swiss Young Network for Science Policy and Diplomacy” (SYNESPOD) in collaboration with the Geneva Science-Policy Interface and the Franxini Project by Reatch.
More about previous editions of the training are available in French and German here.
The Swiss Young Academy (SYA) networks young researchers from a wide range of scientific disciplines and creates an inspiring environment for inter- and transdisciplinary exchange and innovative ideas. Its members are the representatives of Swiss science and are regarded as the young voice of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences. The SYA's Swiss Young Network for Science Policy and Diplomacy (SYNESPOD) provides a platform to exchange at the interface of science, policy, and diplomacy through (inter)national partnerships and capacity-building initiatives.
The Geneva Science-Policy Interface (GSPI) is an independent platform with the mission to foster and promote science-informed policymaking, by leveraging its unique position in the heart of Geneva as a hub of multilateral policymaking and international cooperation. As a specialised intermediary, the GSPI brokers collaborations, facilitates dialogues and provides expert guidance to stakeholders in science and intergovernmental organisations, to help them advance human rights, global health, environmental sustainability, and more.
The Franxini Project was initiated by the think tank "Reatch! Research. Think. Change." and is supported by Stiftung Mercator, Gebert Rüf Stiftung, the cogito foundation and other partners. With the Franxini Project, we foster an effective and trust-based collaboration between researchers and political decision-makers.
Together with experts and partner organizations from the fields of research, science education, politics and administration, the Franxini Project offers further education, networking and consulting at the interface of research and politics with its three formats «Franxini Hub», «Franxini Hive», and «Franxini Boot Camp».
15 minutesArrival at the House of Generations
1 hourIntroduction to Science for Policy: A Global Perspective