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The Franxini Project
Our Network
From Research

«Academic experts have to walk a tightrope between professional precision and political effectiveness. The Franxini Project ensures that they don’t lose their balance in the process.»
Caspar Hirschi, Professor of History at the University of St. Gallen
From Politics

«In order for politics to finally listen better to science, there needs to be politically savvy scientists. This is where the Franxini Project comes in. It deserves our support!»
Jon Pult, National Councillor (SP/PS)
From Civil Society

«The Franxini project is invaluable because it promotes cooperation between professionals from a wide range of scientific and political backgrounds. This enables a dialogue at eye level as well as mutual understanding. Only then can holistic solutions to current challenges of our time be developed and implemented.»
Laura Curau, Communications Specialist and Responsible Policy Coalition for Corporate Responsibility
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